Senate/House Bills Moving
The following bills of interest saw action this week-- Senate Nominations: Russell Redding was unanimously recommended to the Senate for confirmation as Secretary of Agriculture by the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee and was then confirmed by the full Senate. In a written statement before the Committee, Acting Secretary Redding identified as one of his six objectives of the coming months-- "Expand our environmental stewardship efforts by continuing our leadership on farmland preservation; making full use of the Farm Bill authority for consel-vation; working to address the needs of the Chesapeake Bay; and exploringlcreating ways that farmers and society can benefit fiom the intersection of these important efforts." NewsClip: State Agriculture Nominee Gets Senate Approval Coal Refuse Disposal/Coal Methane: House Bill 1847 (Harhai-D-Westmoreland) further providing for the siting of coal refuse disposal areas was amended in Senate Appropriations to include a Coal Bed Methane dispute resolution process and passed by the Senate. The bill now returns to the House for a concurrence vote. Traditional Neighborhood: House Bill 1609 (Freedom-D-Lehigh) further providing for the definition of traditional neighborhood within the Municipalities Planning Code was reported from the Senate Local Government Committee and is now on the Senate Calendar for action. House Stormwater Planning: House Bill 1390 (Freeman-D-Lehigh) authorizing local integrated water resources plans was amended to allow local governments to avoid the mandate for stormwater planning if the state does not provide its share of funding and reported from the House Local Government Committee and was referred to the House Appropriations Committee. (see separate story)
Open Space: House Bill 1772 (Matzie-D-Allegheny) further authorizing local governments to hold open space for preservation was amended and reported from the House Local Government Committee and was referred to the House Appropriations Committee. Acceptable Data: Senate Bill 136 (Erickson-R-Delaware) requiring the submission of acceptable data to the Independent Regulatory Review Commission to support regulatory proposals was referred to the House Appropriations Committee. Water Resources Planning Committee Members: House Resolution 561 (Turzai-R-Allegheny) honoring members of the Statewide Water Resources Committee for their work in developing the State Water Plan was adopted by the House.
12/21/2009 |
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