Scrapbook Photo 02/17/25 - 139 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
EPA Releases Annual Enforcement Results, Mapping Tool
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released enforcement results for fiscal year 2009, and has a new web-based tool and interactive map that allows the public to get information by location about the enforcement actions taken at approximately 4,600 facilities.

The maps show facilities where civil enforcement actions took place whether for air, water, or land pollution, and a separate map for criminal enforcement actions.

Viewers can click on specific facilities to find information about cases, such as violations and monetary penalties, and find out if a facility is located near water bodies listed as "impaired” because it does not meet federal water quality standards.

The new mapping tool will provide the public with a clearer picture of EPA's enforcement activity nationwide.

More information on the mapping tool, visit the EPA Compliance webpage.


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