Layoffs Avoided For Now, December Revenue Collections Below Estimates
With the passage of the table games bill this week, the General Assembly avoided, for now, the threatened layoff of 55 employees from the departments of Environmental Protection and Conservation and Natural Resources as part of 1,000 workers Gov. Rendell said he would furlough if the bill was not passed.

However, Gov. Rendell said at a press conference declining state revenues may force him to layoff more workers later in the fiscal year.

Of course the budget process begins all over again February 2 (groundhog day, no not the movie but it could be) when Gov. Rendell presents his 2010-11 budget proposal.

The Department of Revenue reported Pennsylvania collected $2 billion in General Fund revenue in December, which was $37.2 million, or 1.8 percent, less than anticipated. Fiscal year-to-date General Fund collections total $12.4 billion, which is $254.2 million, or 2 percent, below estimate.

Pennsylvania collected $2.1 billion in General Fund revenue in December 2008 and $2.2 billion in December 2007.


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