Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW indicates new from last week. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page
February 3-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 2:00 Public Utility Commission. Room 140.
February 3-- Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee hearing on Senate Bill 1124 (Robbins-R-Mercer) further providing for LIHEAP eligibility and providing for audits and program administration. Hearing Room 1, North Office. 9:00.
February 4-- Senate Game and Fisheries Committee hearing on Lake Erie Steelhead fishery and the status of the Lake Erie Management Program. Tom Ridge Environmental Center, Erie.
February 8-- Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee Environmental Issues Forum featuring Regupol America on tire recycling. Room 205 Ryan Building. Noon.
February 9-- Governor presents proposed 2010-11 budget to General Assembly. (Tentative)
February 10-- NEW. Senate Republican Policy Committee holds a public hearing on the impact of Governor's mid-year budget reductions. Hearing Room 1, North Office. 9:30.
February 16-- NEW. House Game and Fisheries Committee hearing on the Game Commission annual report. Room 60 East Wing. 10:00.
February 17-- NEW. House Game and Fisheries Committee hearing on the Fish and Boat Commission annual report. Room 60 East Wing. 10:00.
February 16-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 10:00 Department of Revenue/Governor’s Budget Office. Hearing Room 1, North Office.
February 17-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 10:00 Department of Agriculture. Hearing Room 1, North Office.
February 22-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 10:00 Department of Environmental Protection, 11:00 Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 1:00 Department of Agriculture. Room 140.
February 23-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 10:00 Department of Conservation & Natural Resources, 1:00 Public Utility Commission. Hearing Room 1, North Office.
February 25-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:00 Office of the Governor/Executive Offices/Secretary of the Budget. Room 140.
March 1-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 10:00 Department of Environmental Protection. Hearing Room 1, North Office.
March 23 - PA Infrastructure Investment Authority meeting. Governor's Residence, 2035 N. Front St., Harrisburg. (formal notice)
March 25-- Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee Forestry Task Force meeting. Celebration Hall, 2280 Commercial Blvd., State College. 10:00.
April 20 - CANCELED. PA Infrastructure Investment Authority meeting. Next scheduled meeting March 23. (formal notice)
DEP Calendar of Events
Environmental Education Workshop/Training Calendar (courtesy PA Center for Environmental Education)
Senate Committee Schedule
House Committee Schedule
You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online.