28 Illegal Dump Site Cleanups Completed By Volunteers, PEC In 2009

Over 330 volunteers, contractors and other partners combined to clean up 28 illegal dumpsites in 2009 under the Pennsylvania Environmental Council Community Illegal Dumpsite Program in Luzerne, Northumberland and Wyoming counties.
            A total of 180 tons of trash, 46 tons of scrap metal and 27 tons of tires were removed from the environment in the three counties. A total of 332 volunteers donated a total of 1600 hours by participating in the cleanup activities.  Contractors were retained to clean up 6 of the 28 sites due to the steepness of the terrain.
            PEC received funding and sponsorships to conduct the cleanup activities from the Earth Conservancy, J.P. Mascaro & Sons, Keystone Sanitary Landfill, Mericle Commercial Real Estate Services, Pennsylvania American Water Company, Department of Community & Economic Development, Department of Environmental Protection, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Waste Management/Alliance Landfill.
            Pennsylvania American Water Company has generously made a donation to the 2010 Community Illegal Dumpsite Program and presented a $4,000 check to the Pennsylvania Environmental Council at the Hughestown Fire Department. This is a site where a 2009 cleanup was held.


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