Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Game Commission Releases 2009-10 Deer Harvest Estimates

The Game Commission reported hunters harvested an estimated 308,920 deer in the state's 2009-10 seasons, which is an 8 percent decline from the previous seasons' harvest of 335,850.
            Hunters took 108,330 antlered deer in the 2009-10 seasons, down 11 percent from the previous license year's harvest of 122,410, but similar to the 2007-08 harvest of 109,200.  Also, hunters harvested 200,590 antlerless deer in 2009-10, which is a six percent decline from the 213,440 antlerless deer taken in 2008-09.  The 2007-08 antlerless deer harvest was 213,870.  
            Bureau of Wildlife Management personnel currently are working to develop 2010 antlerless deer license allocation recommendations for the April Board meeting.  
            Calvin W. DuBrock, Game Commission Bureau of Wildlife Management director, said that in addition to harvest data, the staff will be looking at population trends, deer reproduction, forest regeneration, and deer-human conflict for each Wildlife Management Unit.
            Harvest estimates for 2009-10 seasons are based on 105,192 usable harvest report cards (41,251 antlered; 63,941 antlerless) returned by hunters to the Commission, which included 64,945 reported by mail and 40,247 reported by the new online harvest reporting system.  Reporting rates are determined by cross-referencing these report cards with the data collected from the 24,839 deer (7,942 antlered; 16,897 antlerless) examined by Game Commission personnel in the field and at processors.  
            Yearling bucks comprised 49 percent of the 2009-10 antlered harvest.  Since 2003, the percent of yearling bucks in the annual harvest has varied between 49 and 56 percent.  Button bucks represented 22 percent of the antlerless harvest, which is the same percentage from the 2008-09 harvest.
            The 2009-10 hunting seasons marked the first time crossbows were legal in statewide archery deer seasons for all hunters. In those 19 WMUs outside of the three urban areas, the archery harvest increased 13 percent. The proportion of the archery harvest taken by crossbows in the 19 WMUs increased from 15 percent to 30 percent. Crossbows have been legal in urban WMUs of 2B, 5C, and 5D since 2004.
            Harvest stats for each WMU are available online.
            For an explanation of the agency's deer harvest estimating procedure, visit the Game Commission's White-Tailed Deern webpage.
            NewsClips: PA Hunters Take Fewest Deer Since 1987
                              PA Deer Harvest Tumbles To Lowest Figure In 23 Years


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