Add Your Organization To List Supporting A Renewal, Refocusing Of Growing Greener

Growing Greener is nearly out of money. Very few Growing Greener grants will be awarded in the coming years unless the state invests new money in the program. That is unlikely to happen unless the new governor is seriously committed to renewing Growing Greener.

            Now is the time to show your commitment.
            Add your organization to the growing list supporting a renewal of a refocused Growing Greener Program--
-- Call for the renewal of Pennsylvania's Growing Greener with a state investment of $200 million annually;
-- Establish a dedicated and sustainable source or sources of revenue to support the renewal of Growing Greener;
-- Ending the diversion of money from the state's Environmental Stewardship Fund (Growing Greener) to pay the debt on Growing Greener II bonds -- a diversion that is contrary to the Commonwealth's normal practice of paying bond debt service out of general funds.
-- Refocus Growing Greener on:
        -- Restoring Our Water and Land - bringing streams back to life and protecting drinking water
Conserving Our Working Farms and Forests - securing our food and timber supplies
        -- Saving Our Special Places - protecting and enhancing wildlife habitat, greenways, trails, hunting grounds, fishing areas and community open space, including local, county and state parks and forests.
        -- Greening Our Built Communities - revitalizing waterfronts and parks, planting trees, creating neighborhood gardens, working with nature to reduce flooding and preserving history
        -- Creating Outdoor Recreation Opportunities - walking, biking, hunting, fishing, playing sports, picnicking and enjoying the quiet and peace of nature.

            Send an email to Andrew Health at: to sign up your group.

            NewsClips:  State's Growing Greener Program To Lose Funding
                                 Mehoopany Watershed To Get $350,000 In Grants
                                 Local Governments Concerned About $$$ As TMDLs Move Forward

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