PA Septage Management Assn. March Training A Success

The Pennsylvania Septage Management Association held its Annual March Training March 30-31 at the Crowne Plaza Reading Hotel in Reading, Pa. 
            This Annual Training hosts a variety of training courses over the two days including the PSMA/NOF-101 Basic and PSMA/NOF-102 Advanced Onlot Wastewater Treatment System Inspection courses, the PSMA/NOF-SR1 Standards Refresher course and the National Vacuum Truck Technician Training course. 
            This year’s training brought some new changes, including the location, updated Standards and changes to the 101 and 102 courses. After many years in Grantville, Pa., the education committee chose to look further east in the state where there is a larger concentration of septage-related companies. This move was deemed successful and most participants enjoyed the new location. The 2011 training will be held at the same hotel March 22-23.
            Every three years, the education committee reviews the PSMA Standards. For 2010, the Standards were updated and revised giving this training the first opportunity for all courses to review the changes. All current certified inspectors will receive a copy of the updated Standards for their use.
            In an effort to help those new to the industry, as well as those more advanced, the education committee chose to change the 101 course to being a strict beginners course where participants can only take the course 2 consecutive times. The 201 course was eliminated and replaced with the 102 which is a more advanced level of the 101. After completing the 101, all participants will move into the 102 where the discussions take on a more in-depth look at the Standards. 
            As happens at each 101 and 102 training, the first day is all classroom work while the second day awards students the opportunity to visit sites of three different septic systems. This hands-on experience is invaluable in the proper teaching of the Standards and to help further the education and experience of the students. The SR1 remains a half-day refresher course in the classroom and the NVTTT students yet again were given the opportunity to add to their classroom work with hands-on experience with a vacuum truck onsite.
            Additional training courses are being offered throughout the year. For more information on the certification training, visit the PSMA website.


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