Governor's Race

Corbett Unveils Energy Plan For Pennsylvania

In another of a series of articles on the positions gubernatorial candidates have taken on environment-related issues, Republican candidate Tom Corbett this week unveiled what he called his plan for the future of energy in Pennsylvania.

At a stop at HERO BX in Erie, Tom Corbett said a top priority of Corbett’s plan is to reduce our dependency on foreign oil and make energy affordable for all Pennsylvanians.

           “Pennsylvania is home to the largest energy field in the world, with our abundant coal, gas, oil and timber and our alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, nuclear, biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric facilities,” said Corbett, “Our energy resources are critical to revitalizing our economy, growing job opportunities and positioning the commonwealth in the global marketplace as a leading exporter of energy.”
            Tom Corbett supports and encourages the development of Pennsylvania’s energy resources in an environmentally sound manner. He looks forward to working with energy and environmental leaders, consumers and state and local governments to put in place common-sense environmental policies that will protect our air, waterways and land. 
            “I will direct the Department of Environmental Protection to return to its core mission and ensure that the programs and policies are structured with reasonableness and must be based on sound science, not political or personal agendas,” said Corbett.
            Tom Corbett’s energy plan focuses on five core areas:
-- Growing our energy infrastructure by creating a Tax Credit Program to encourage private sector investment.
-- Encouraging renewable, alternative and clean energy in Pennsylvania.
-- Cultivating Pennsylvania’s natural gas and coal resources including the abundance of Marcellus Shale natural gas reserves.
-- Transitioning to competitive electric markets by arming consumers with information to navigate the restructured electricity industry. 
-- Refocusing the Department of Environmental Protection by getting back to basics.
            Pennsylvania is currently second among states in the amount of electricity generated and is first in the amount of electricity exported. The electricity generation industry provides tens of thousands of good-paying jobs. But much of our energy infrastructure that delivers the services is aging needs to be replaced or updated. Tom Corbett recognizes the need for improvements. 
            “As Governor, I will work to create an energy policy that encourages investment in Pennsylvania’s infrastructure,” said Corbett. “I support creating an Infrastructure Tax Credit Program to encourage private sector investment in infrastructure and I support smart grid and smart meters."
            Mineral resources are also an important source of jobs and economic development in Pennsylvania. Most recently, Marcellus Shale has provided a wealth of resources for both the consumers and the commonwealth. 
            In 2009, Marcellus Shale brought in $400 million in state and local tax revenue and created thousand of new, high paying jobs. 
            “I am committed to growing the industry and by having state government lead by example and begin the process of transitioning some of its aging vehicle fleet to be fueled by natural gas,” said Corbett.
            With Pennsylvania’s growing role in the world energy market, our renewable, alternative energy resources are an important part of our blended energy portfolio. As Governor, Tom Corbett will work to provide consumers with choices for their energy needs. 
            “I am committed to meeting Pennsylvania’s existing renewable energy objectives, improving the reliability of the grid, supporting the development of coal-to-liquids and gas-to-liquids, promoting nuclear energy and growing a skilled energy workforce,” said Corbett.
            Tom Corbett is also a strong proponent of the growing biodiesel industry. “It’s a great example of what is working. Our biodiesel industry is providing both new fuel and new refining capacity to the commonwealth’s energy infrastructure,” said Corbett.
            Tom Corbett is touring companies like HERO BX to learn more about the future of biofuels in Pennsylvania and the important part the industry plays in the commonwealth’s economy. HERO BX produces its biodiesel fuel using soybean oil, animal fat and other renewable sources of energy.
            For more information, visit Tom Corbett's campaign website.



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