Natural Biodiversity, Johnstown Heritage Sponsor Native Plant Fest On May 22

Natural Biodiversity and Johnstown Area Heritage Association will host the first annual Native Plant Fest of the Alleghenies on May 22.
            Come to Johnstown to learn how native plants play a vital role in our ecosystems and can augment your garden. Not only do native plants provide wildlife habitat, they also offer a sense of place and a tangible connection to the past. Whatever your landscape needs this spring, many showy species of native perennials, shrubs, and trees will be available for purchase at the event!
            Native plants will be sold by local and regional nurseries from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and special programming is scheduled throughout the day. From 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., attendees are invited to participate in the native plant workshop.  
            Part one will be led by Kathy McGregor of Slyvania Natives in Pittsburgh and part two will feature Liz McDowell of the Western Mountains Chapter of the Maryland Native Plant Society. Activities for children will also be available.
            Professor and author Doug Tallamy will be the day's keynote presenter at 1:30 p.m.. His book, Bringing Nature Home, has earned him widespread recognition and has inspired people around the nation to "go native."  
            Tallamy will discuss the important ecological roles native plants play in our landscapes, emphasize the benefits of designing gardens with these roles in mind, and explore the consequences of failing to do so. His presentation will be followed by a book sale and signing.
            Johnstown Area Heritage Association and Natural Biodiversity members are invited free-of-charge to any of the day’s events. The workshops and Doug Tallamy’s presentation cost $5 each for non-members. The children’s workshops are free for kids whose parents attend the adult workshop. 
            Because space is limited, reserve your spot for a workshop or the keynote presentation through Natural Biodiversity’s office at 814-509-6036 or send email to:
            Northcreek Nurseries, New Moon Nursery, Mid Atlantic Native Plant Nursery, Yellow Springs Farm Native Plant Nursery, Redbud Native Plant Nursery, and Edge of the Woods Native Plant Nursery are sponsoring this event.
            Download the event flyer.


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