Help Wanted: Trout Unlimited Marcellus Shale Field Organizer

Trout Unlimited is looking to fill the position of Marcellus Shale field organizer in Pennsylvania to help mobilize and organize TU chapters and other sportsmen to develop and participate in a stream surveillance and monitoring program.
            Some of the best hunting and fishing in the East today is found in the Marcellus Shale region of Pennsylvania where intact habitat sustains healthy populations of wild and native trout as well as other wildlife. 
            If Pennsylvania sportsmen and women do not make their voices heard, these values could be lost to the land disturbances, water withdrawals, and wastewater discharges associated with the development of natural gas. 
            The field organizer must also work with conservation partners to identify and protect ecologically sensitive lands and waters from drilling as well as lead a team-oriented, collaborative effort to maintain the fish and wildlife values in the state.
            Qualifications must include: experience in grassroots organizing, water quality monitoring protocols and volunteer training, good written and oral communication skills, experience with media and public outreach, ability to work independently and take the initiative, willingness to travel, good computer skills, ability to interpret scientific data and turn it into action, being an avid hunter and angler and have a passion for protecting and restoring trout habitat and their watersheds.
            Send your resume and cover letter to Elizabeth Maclin, VP for Eastern Conservation, Trout Unlimited, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22209 or send it by email to:  Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.


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