Greensylvania School Recycling Competition Goes Statewide, Register Now

The Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania GreenSylvania program is aimed at Pennsylvania's public, private, charter, homeschool, etc. K-12 schools.  Greensylvania was modeled from the national RecycleMania competition for colleges and universities. 

            Greensylvania assists with implementing or enhancing school recycling programs by generating enthusiasm among students, staff, and faculty for recycling at school, home, and special events. This is particularly significant for schools required to recycle by local ordinances. 
            A goal of GreenSylvania is to increase the amount of recyclables diverted from school disposal streams during and after the competition. The competition offers a number of educational skills and concepts that can be interwoven with the competition such as science, math, writing, and environmental stewardship. Additionally, a school's image is enhanced as a contributor to the community's recycling and environmental efforts.
            Because of generous support from Keep America Beautiful, Inc., PROP is very proud to announce that GreenSylvania goes statewide in 2010!  Online registration begins September 1 and ends September 30 with the actual competition being held from October 4 through 30, 2010.  The traveling trophy will be awarded to the winning school on or about November 15, America Recycles Day!   
            For more details and information, please contact: Jan Arnold, PROP Program Manager, or 1-800-769-7767 or visit the GreenSylvania website.



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