100 Most Sustainable Global Companies Named

The World Economic Forum released its list of the 100 most sustainable global companies. On the list were: BP, GlaxoSmithKline, Pepsico, and Reed Elsevier PLC.

Companies were rated on such criteria as strategic governance, environmental initiatives, and human capital/labor relations practices. Research and analysis was conducted by Innovest, a leading environmental investment advisory firm with offices in New York, London and Toronto.

“How companies perform on environmental, social, and strategic governance issues is having a rapidly-growing impact on their competitiveness, profitability, and share price performance,” said Dr. Matthew Kiernan, founder and CEO of Innovest Strategic Value Advisors. “We at Innovest congratulate the Top 100 sustainability companies; we consider each of them to be particularly well-positioned to capture opportunities in this new world we are all entering.”

As an example, one of the winners-- U.K.-based BP PLC, the world’s second largest oil and gas company-- owns a cutting edge solar power business and is introducing lower-emissions fuels such as natural gas at its retail outlets. BP has also invested in renewable energy technology (fuel cells, wind energy, and photovoltaic) and entered cross-industry R&D sustainability partnerships.

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