PennDOT Hails Volunteers For Collecting 12 Million Pounds Of Litter
More than 186,000 volunteers cleaned 19,373 miles of roads, trails and shorelines in Pennsylvania during the Great American Cleanup of PA, which ran from March 1 to May 31, PennDOT Secretary Allen D. Biehler, P.E. said. "My sincere thanks to everyone who gave of their time and worked so hard to improve our state's environment and appearance," Secretary Biehler said. "While it's unfortunate that some inconsiderate people still choose to litter, we are lucky to have thousands of volunteers who participate in Adopt-A-Highway and join in cleanup events every year."
During the cleanup, 12 million pounds of trash was collected, with 3.7 million pounds collected by PennDOT's Adopt-A-Highway program volunteers. There were 4,822 reported cleanup events statewide. Of the total miles cleaned, Adopt-A-Highway groups cleaned a record 12,340 miles of roadways, with the help of nearly 104,000 volunteers.
Over the past three years, the Great American Cleanup of Pennsylvania has yielded more than 29.5 million pounds of collected trash, involved 533,627 volunteers and resulted in 54,940 miles of roadways cleaned. As part of those efforts, 284,838 Adopt-A-Highway volunteers collected more than 10.9 million pounds of litter on 32,678 miles of highway in that same period.
PennDOT requires that Adopt-A-Highway volunteers complete four cleanups per year, and the groups were encouraged to join in the Great American Cleanup of PA. The 7,156 groups in the Adopt-A-Highway program have two-year commitments and have adopted 16,562 roadway miles.
PennDOT provides gloves and safety vests for Adopt-A-Highway and Great American Cleanup of PA groups. The department typically spends approximately $11 million annually for litter pickup with department staff.
For more information on how to organize a cleanup, visit the PA CleanWays website.
7/26/2010 |
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