Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DCNR TreeVitalize Program Sponsors New Round Of Tree Tender Training

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources' TreeVitalize Program will sponsor a new round of Tree Tender training in September and October for Bucks, Centre and Chester counties.
            Tree Tenders is a training program that empowers concerned residents to make dramatic strides towards restoring and caring for their local tree canopy. Join us for eight hours of hands-on training that covers tree biology, identification, planting, proper care, and working with your community. 
            The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society in collaboration with Penn State Cooperative Extension developed this course for citizens and experts alike. Since 1993, over 3000 community volunteers from 200 Pennsylvania neighborhoods have become trained Tree Tenders.
            Trees not only improve air quality, but studies show greening can serve as an economic stimulus tool and increase nearby property values by up to 30 percent. Properly placed trees help to moderate indoor/outdoor temperatures, and can reduce energy costs, noise pollution and crime rates, among many other environmental, social and health benefits.
            Please note these following classes are the only Tree Tenders training scheduled within Pennsylvania at this time. The next trainings will not be scheduled until spring 2011.  
            Registration is required. For more information or the registration brochure, contact:
(Philadelphia County) Mindy Maslin at 215-988-8844 or send email to:; or in
Bucks, Chester, Delaware county contact Barley Van Clief at 215-988-8793 or send email to:
            The raining will be held
-- Chester County: Tuesdays - September 14, 21, 28, 6 - 9 p.m. No cost.  Kennett Area Senior Center,  427 South Walnut Street, Kennett Square;
-- Bucks County: Thursdays - September 23, 30, and October 14, 6 - 9 p.m. No cost.  Newtown Township Municipal Complex, Administrative Building, 100 Municipal Drive (off Rte. 413), Newtown; and
-- Centre County Training Info: Friday, October 1, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., State College, Tree Tenders training (this workshop is required for TreeVitalize applicants);  October 2, 9 am-12 pm, State College, Assessing Tree Risk and Tree Management Workshop (this workshop is optional and not required for TreeVitalize applicants).
            The $15 fee for October 1 and 2 each includes food, materials and publications. Registration is required. The course offers ISA, PA LA, PLNA and Act 48 credits.
            For more information about the Tree Tenders program above, email the DCNR Bureau of Forestry by sending email to:  or to register, contact David Harry, 814-865-7541 or send email to:
            Registration forms and questions can be directed to David Harry at the Penn State School of Forest Resources, The Pennsylvania State University, 117 Forest Resources Building, University Park, PA 16802; phone 814-865-7541; or send email to:  Registration deadline is September 24.
            For more training events and information, visit the TreeVitalize website.


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