Scrapbook Photo 09/09/24 - 120 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Groups Protest State Homeland Security Labeling Marcellus Shale Protesters As Threats

Gov. Rendell said he was "appalled" to learn this week a contractor for his Office of Homeland Security had identified some opponents of Marcellus Shale drilling as possible domestic terrorists and distributed that information to Marcellus Shale gas drilling companies.

           The contractor also identified what it called other "credible real threats to critical infrastructure"  including gay pride parades, taxpayer rallies and protests in support of the Governor's own education policies.
            In a statement from Michael Brune, Pennsylvania Sierra Club Executive Director, said, "We condemn the reported abuses by the Pennsylvania Department of Homeland Security, whose McCarthy-style research sought only to intimidate Pennsylvanians concerned about their land and water. We are especially troubled by the cozy relationship between the gas industry and state regulators, who shared personal information about residents.
            "Grassroots activism is the foundation of American history, and much of this activism began in Pennsylvania with patriots like Benjamin Franklin. No government entity should squelch the rights of concerned residents to voice their opinions or to assemble with their neighbors.
            "We are glad to see Gov. Rendell call for an end to this invasion of privacy, and we urge him to follow through on his pledge to investigate this matter fully and to make public the results of the investigation. The Governor should hold accountable anyone responsible for allowing this violation of privacy rights. Public dissent and grassroots activism without fear of government surveillance or collusion with industry are keys to a functioning democracy.
            "To truly address homeland security we should investigate what chemicals natural gas companies are injecting into our water supply and adopt tough regulations to protect all Americans from gas industry abuses. Unless the state legislature takes action now, Pennsylvanians will suffer reckless environmental degradation, loss of drinking water, destruction of our precious state and national forests, increased air pollution, and increased exposure to toxic chemicals used in the drilling process and from the natural gas itself."
            The Senate Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee has scheduled a hearing on this issue for September 27.  (see separate story)
                                Senate Demands Info On Intelligence Reports
                                Lawmakers Press For Probe On Terror Tracking Firm

                                Lawmakers Call For Investigation Into State Intelligence Reports
                                Activists Call For Probe Of State Intelligence Bulletins
                                Anti-Terror Contractor: Rendell Misinformed
                                State Homeland Security Office Releases Bulletins Tracking Activists
                                Marcellus Protesters Put On List Of Terror Threats
                                Rendell Ends Tracking Of Opponents Of Natural Gas Drilling
                                Appalled Governor Shuts Down Reports On Marcellus Opponents
                                Anti-Terrorism Contract Helped Gas Drillers
                                Rendell's Top Staffers Knew Of Protester Tracking In July
                                Ex-Rendell Aide Questions Terror List Contract
                                State Tracking Outrages Foes Of Gas Drilling As Creepy
                                Documents Show PA Homeland Security Tracks Anti-Drill Group
                                Ex-Police Devised Terror List In PA
                                Lawsuit Planned After Protesters Put On Terror List
                                Ridge Says Rendell Right To Cancel Terrorism Contract
                                Editorial: Speaking Your Mind In PA Is Not A Threat
                                Editorial: Paranoia As Public Policy
                                Editorial: Rendell Quick To Respond To Homeland Security's Absurdity
                                Editorial: State Office Shills For Gas Drillers
                                Editorial: Spy-Guy Gaffe Is Goofy


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