Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

Click on Agenda Released on calendar entries to see the NEW meeting agendas published this week.

September 20-- NEW.  House Appropriations Committee meets to consider or House Bill 1800 (D.Evans-D-Philadelphia) the House Democrats Transportation Funding Proposal.  Room 140.  Call of Chair.

September 21-- NEW. House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets to consider House Resolution 879 (Haluska-D-Cambria) urging EPA to revise the proposed boiler MACT rule.  Room G-50 Irvis Building.  10:00.

September 21-- NEW.  Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee meets to consider House Bill 1128 (Preston-D-Allegheny) further providing for civil penalties for gas pipeline safety violations. 156 Main Capitol.  10:30.

September 21-- Agenda Released. Environmental Quality Board meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  9:00.

September 21-- CANCELED.  DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Working Group meeting.  (formal notice)

September 22-- NEW.  Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 1422 (D.White-R-Indiana) authorizing PennVEST to fund non-point source management projects including specifically urban stormwater projects, House Bill 708 (Ross-R-Chester) requiring electronics recycling, House Bill 2591 (George-D-Clearfield) authorizing PennVEST to fund non-point source management projects including specifically urban stormwater projects.  Room 461.  9:30.

September 22--  Joint Legislative Budget & Finance Committee meets to release performance audit of Fish & Boat Commission.  Room 8E-A East Wing.  10:15.

September 24-- DEP Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater System Operators now a regular meeting, not a conference call.  10th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building.  10:00.  (formal notice)

September 27-- NEW. Senate Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee holds a hearing on state Office of Homeland Security contractor naming Marcellus Shale drilling opponents as terrorists.  Hearing Room 1, North Office Building.  10:00.

September 27-- Environmental Issues Forum on Carbon Trading.  Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee.  G-50 Irvis Building.  Noon.

September 28-- Senate Urban Affairs and House Committee holds a hearing on impact of natural gas industry on housing in Northcentral PA.  Room 8E-A East Wing.  10:00.

September 28-- NEW.  Joint Legislative Budget and Finance Committee meeting to consider release of reports on REAP farm conservation tax credit and Clean and Green programs.  Hearing Room 2, North Office.  10:00.

September 30-- DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Working Group meeting. Fish and Boat Commission, Harrisburg. 10:00.  (formal notice)

October 4-- Last Day To Register To Vote For November 2 Election.

October 26-- DEP Board of Coal Mine Safety meeting.  Fayette County Health Center, Uniontown.  10:00.  (formal notice)

November 17-- CANCELED. DEP Small Water Systems Technical Assistance Center Advisory Board.  There are no further meetings scheduled in 2010.  (formal notice)

DEP Calendar of Events

Environmental Education Workshop/Training Calendar (PA Center for Environmental Education)

Senate Committee Schedule                House Committee Schedule

You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online.


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