Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Save The Date: Delaware Estuary Science & Environmental Summit Jan. 30-Feb. 2, 2011

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary will holds its annual Delaware Estuary Science and Environmental Summit in Camp May, NJ on January 30 to February 2, 2011.
            The theme of the conference is "Connections- Land To Sea, Shore to Shore and Science to Outreach."
            This Theme has the goal of creating more effective partnerships among scientists, outreach specialists, resource managers and others with an interest in the prosperity of the Delaware Estuary. 
            The Summit will feature--
-- Over 130 presentations on the latest science, education, and policy topics;
-- Regional focus on the issues that matter to the Delaware Estuary and vicinity.Timely topics such as Marcellus Shale, emerging contaminants, climate change and other contemporary issues;
-- Special sessions on benthic ecosystems, multiple stressors, and energy, as well as regular technical sessions devoted to the full range of water, habitat and living resources;
-- Special guest speaker Eric Eckle of Water Words that Work leading hands-on workshops on communicating controversial topics and developing outreach campaigns with measurable results;
--Plenary presentation by Dr. Jonathan Sharp on long-term trends in environmental conditions;
-- Hands-on workshops showing how to relay complex information using conceptual diagrams and visual displays;
-- Workshops on how to gain more support for your research/projects through new, easy to use web tools and social media; and
-- Ample networking and cross pollination opportunities in a retreat-like atmosphere.
            For more information, visit the Delaware Estuary Summit webpage.


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