PEC, POWR Receive DCNR Funding For Trails, EACs And Establishing Meadows

Four PA Environmental Council and PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers received funding from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in the latest round of Community Conservation Partnership grants.  The projects include--

-- $50,000 to lead the implementation of the Statewide Comprehensive Recreation Plan goal to promote, create and encourage the strategic engagement of Environmental Advisory Councils (EAC) in Pennsylvania, support the EAC Network addressing priority issues including: stormwater management, green building & energy, open space preservation and recreation opportunities. Jonathan D. Meade, 717-230-8044.

-- $25,000.00 to provide education and outreach to communities and Environmental Advisory Councils by benchmarking best management practices for meadow establishment and maintenance in municipal parks. Four specific meadow test sites will be developed as case studies in Whitemarsh and Upper Dublin townships. Mindy Lemoine, 215-592-7020.

-- $100,000 to prepare a master site development plan and conceptual design for the development of approximately 2.2 miles of trail on Spring Garden Street connecting the East Coast Greenway through downtown Philadelphia to the Schuylkill River Trail and Delaware River Trail. Spencer Finch, 215-592-7020.

            In addition, the PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers received funding to continue Pennsylvania's exciting sojourn program to promote 2011 River of the Year activities and administer a mini-grant program for river conservation organizations to conduct river awareness and sojourns. Jonathan D. Meade, 717-230-8044.


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