On The Governor's Desk
The following bill was given final action by the General Assembly and is now on the Governor's Desk for action--
Borough Electric Purchases: Senate Bill 168 (Brubaker-R-Lancaster) further authorizing electric purchases by boroughs was signed into law as Act 87.
"The Borough Code gives a borough the right to provide electric service to its residents, but it did not give these municipalities the authority to fully leverage their purchasing power," Sen. Brubaker said. "This new law will allow boroughs to negotiate the best possible deal to provide lower energy costs to consumers. A number of talented and dedicated individuals helped to make this change to the Borough Code possible, and I am deeply grateful for their efforts."
Energy Production On Farmland: Senate Bill 298 (Yaw-R-Bradford) amends the Farmland and Forest Land Assessment Act to allow the splitting off of preserved farm and forest lands used for alternative energy systems and natural gas and coal bed methane was signed into law by Gov. Rendell as Act 88.
"This legislation is a critical update to how our farmland is to be assessed now and in the future. The development of the Marcellus Shale has changed how everything is looked at as it is a total transition to what used to be 'business as usual' on all levels of government," said Sen. Yaw. "All laws of this nature need to be scrutinized to see if they are applicable in today's world in keeping with the original spirit of the law and then changed if necessary."
“As an agriculture economy, ‘Clean and Green’ plays an important role for Pennsylvania’s family farmers, especially as it relates to the development of their privately-owned minerals," said Kathryn Klabor of the Marcellus Shale Coalition. "These commonsense revisions to the ‘Clean and Green Program’, led by Sen. Gene Yaw, are a win-win for our agriculture community and for responsible Marcellus development in the Commonwealth. The entire general assembly and the governor should be commended for their work on this important bipartisan legislation.”
Blight: Senate Bill 900 (Argall-R-Schuylkill) establishing the Neighborhood Blight Reclamation and Revitalization Act was signed into law as Act 90.
"My goal was to see this important bipartisan bill signed into law this session," said Sen. Argall. "This is a major victory for municipalities throughout Pennsylvania who have been impacted by abandoned or dilapidated properties. These eyesores leave a black mark on our communities that many times are difficult to eliminate.
"The Statewide Blight Task Force, my colleagues in the House, Senate and Governor's Administration deserve a great deal of credit for their hard work and commitment to this effort," Sen. Argall added.
Local Government Merger: Senate Bill 1429 (Eichelberger-R-Blair) further providing for the merger and consolidations of local governments was signed into law as Act 102.
Neighborhoods: House Bill 1609 (Freeman-D-Lehigh) amending the Municipalities Planning Code further defining traditional neighborhood development. Must be signed in the Senate before reaching the Governor's desk.
11/1/2010 |
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