House Republicans Elect Leadership For New Legislative Session, Comment On Budget
Rep. Sam Smith

There were no real surprises in the House Republican Leadership elections this week. Rep. Samuel H. Smith (photo) was their choice for Speaker of the House and Rep. Michael C. Turzai was elected Majority Leader for the 2011-2012 legislative session.

            Officially, Republicans now have a 112 to 90 majority, with the sudden death this week of Rep. Robert Donatucci (D-Delaware).
            House Democrats have their Leadership elections November 16 and the Senate on November 17.  Selection of Committee Chairs and members will not happen until late December or January.
            "House Republicans are ready to restore citizens' confidence in state government and attack the issues with civility," Rep. Smith said. "As a body, we will have to work together to bring integrity back to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives."
            "The message from our citizens has been clear and consistent: We have to reign in spending, end reckless borrowing and ultimately reduce tax rates," Rep. Turzai said. "We needs a leaner, more accountable government."
            Appropriations Chairman Bill Adolph said, "Pennsylvanians, on the whole, are unwilling to spend more right now for government. With an eye on state revenues and expenditures, the House Appropriations Committee will focus on effectiveness of state programs and whether they match their intent."
            "House Republicans will be focused on making sure we protect the hard-earned dollars of Pennsylvania families and employers," Rep. Turzai said.
            Here's a quick rundown on House Republican Leadership election results--
House Speaker: Sam Smith (R-Jefferson);
Majority Leader: Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny);
Majority Whip: Stan Saylor (R-York);
Appropriations Chair: William Adolph (R-Delaware);
Caucus Administrator: Richard Stevenson (R-Butler);
Caucus Chair: Rep. Sandra Major (R-Susquehanna);
Caucus Secretary: Mike Vereb (R-Montgomery); and
Policy Committee Chair: David Reed (R-Indiana).
           NewsClips:  GOP's Smith, Turzai To Lead House
                                GOP Picks Smith, Turzai As New House Leaders
                                Turzai Will Bring Litigator's Skill To No. 2 House Job
                                Incoming Majority Whip: Legislature Will Be PA Focused
                                GOP In Control Of State, Huge Deficit Looms
                                Gas Impact Fee Has Some GOP Support
                                New Leaders, But Same Old Budget Concerns In PA
                                Rendell: Beware Budget Cuts' Effects


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