Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits
The Environmental Quality Board meets on November 16 to consider final changes to remining financial guarantees, finalize Air Quality Permit fee increase generating $7.4 million more for the Air Quality Program and proposed rule changes increasing fees for the Drinking Water Program by $8.1 million from $250,000 annually to $8.3 million annually. The Environmental Quality Board published notice of a final-omitted rulemaking to rescind mercury emission standards for coal-fired power plants.
Proposed Regulations Open For Comment - DEP webpage
Proposed Regulations With Closed Comment Periods - DEP webpage
Rolling Regulatory Agenda - DEP webpage
Technical Guidance & Permits
The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of the rescission of guidance establishing the interim program for water and wastewater operator certification and notice of a Radioactive Material License termination request from Chevron Mining for radioactive slag material left behind in Washington, Pa. DEP also published notice of an update to the Certified Emission Reduction Credits Registry (Pa Bulletin, page 6600) and notice of changes to list of companies certified to perform radon-related activities in Pennsylvania (Pa Bulletin, page 6612).
Rescission: DEP ID: 383-2300-001. Pennsylvania's Interim Program for Operator Certification. The purposes of this document was to: (1) meet the requirements of Section 1419 of the 1996 Amendment to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act; (2) help ensure Pennsylvania's continued eligibility to receive federal funding to support the operator certification program; (3) identify and implement specific sections of the amended Water and Wastewater Systems Operator's Certification Act in such a manner to provide a smooth program transition as a result of these amendments, until promulgation of final rules and regulations by the Environmental Quality Board. Technical Guidance Comment Deadlines - DEP webpage
Copies Of Draft Technical Guidance - DEP webpage
Copies of Final Technical Guidance - DEP webpage
11/15/2010 |
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