Dust Still Settling from Last Hours of Session
Susquehanna River at Sunbury

Gov. Rendell continued his call for the General Assembly to come back to Harrisburg Monday and Tuesday before the mandated end of the session November 30. The General Assembly continued to say no, they are finished for the year.

The Governor continues to work his way through signing (and not signing) bills passed in the last few hours of the session. No action on environment related bills pending was announced.

But there was still plenty of environmental news this week!

Contents – On the Hill

· We missed one…

Other News

· Recycling Markets Infrastructure, Composting Grant Forms Now Available

· EPA Region 3 Hosts America Recycles Day Exhibit Through December 31

· PECO Energy: More than 9,000 PECO Customers Choose Wind Energy

· West Penn Energy Fund Releases Documentary on Sustainable Energy

· Vanguard, Giant Recognized as Energy Star Leaders By EPA

· Congress Extends Mine Reclamation Fee Through June 2005

· CBF Praises Legislative Efforts to Fund Nutrient Reduction Technology

· Bill Will Benefit Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Education Efforts

· Growing Greener II Advocates Meet to Urge Action

· Experts Look for Ways to Improve Feed Efficiency to Protect Water Quality

· Special Water Quality Review Underway in York County

· Meeting Reviews the Impacts of Flooding on Lower Susquehanna River

· Reminder: First Children’s Environmental Health Award Nominations Due

· New Land Revitalization Website Helps Encourage Reuse of Brownfields

· Early Release of 2003 TRI Data for Facilities, No Trend Info. Available

· EPA Recognizes Federal-Mogul Corp. in Boyertown for Reducing Waste

· Celebrate the Birthdays of these PA Environmental Leaders

Taking Positive Actions

· An Advocate for Clean Air: Marking the Passing of Ann L. Meyers

======== FYI ================

Safe Hunting Tips

West Penn Sustainable Energy Fund

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