Bills On Governor's Desk

The following bill was given final action by the General Assembly and is now on the Governor's Desk for action--

Electronics Recycling: House Bill 708 (Ross-R-Chester) requiring recycling of certain electronic products funded by industry fees was signed into law as Act 108.

Alternative Energy: House Bill 1394 (Houghton-D-Chester) relating to splitting off farm and forest land under preferential assessment for alternative energy production was signed into law as Act 109.
            NewsClip: PA Farmland Tax Program To Be Altered By Bill

Neighborhoods:  House Bill 1609 (Freeman-D-Lehigh) amending the Municipalities Planning Code further defining traditional neighborhood development was signed into law as Act 111.
            "Traditional neighborhood development, or TND, is a better way to develop than sprawl which eats up our farmland and creates traffic congestion nightmares," said Rep. Freeman, chairman of the House Local Government Committee. "Not only does a TND use less land, it is also pedestrian-friendly and provides for a mix of uses and housing options that foster a greater sense of community than conventional suburban developments. Because a TND creates an actual village or neighborhood rather than a subdivision, it reduces dependence on cars to meet everyday needs."


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