Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Environmental Heritage-- DCNR At 15: Growing Greener II Bond Issue Ends Program

In 2004, after several years of a dedicated funding source for conservation and recreational programs, grants, infrastructure and other projects, a proposal went to the General Assembly to place a ballot initiative before the citizens of Pennsylvania. The ballot initiative, set at $625 million and dubbed Growing Greener II, was approved overwhelmingly in the May 2005 primary election.

           The bond issue program expanded the original Growing Greener to include alternative energy development projects, downtown redevelopment, historic preservation, funding for an energy efficient appliance tax holiday and funding for the first time to the Game and Fish and Boat Commissions.  In addition, each county was provided with funding to do local projects in each of these and the original Growing Greener categories.
            The bond issue also effectively ended the Growing Greener Program in July of 2010 when the bond proceeds ran out.  The municipal waste fees used to fund the program were then dedicate to pay for the debt service on the bond.
            Click here for more on Growing Greener II.


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