Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Corbett Agenda: Expanding Hunting, Angling, Boating, Conservation Opportunities

As part of his campaign platform, Gov.-elect Tom Corbett laid out a series of commitments on protecting the environment, developing Pennsylvania's energy resources, enhancing agriculture and promoting sportsmen's  issues.

            PA Environment Digest is taking a look at the commitments he made on hunting, angling and boating issues--

            Nearly one million Pennsylvanians enjoy the commonwealth’s world-class fishing opportunities, and Pennsylvania anglers contribute nearly $3.5 billion annually to the state’s economy. 
            Among our thousands of lakes and streams, locations like Lake Erie, Penn’s Creek, the Yellow Breeches, Pine Creek, the Letort and Fishing creeks, and the Susquehanna, Delaware and Allegheny Rivers offer some of the best fishing in the country and the world. 
            Tom Corbett is committed to protecting fishing opportunities in Pennsylvania and will continue his efforts to keep our waterways clean. He also is committed to working with and being an advocate for the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, and he will support the boating and angling community.
-- Protect our waterways and environment during natural gas drilling. Tom Corbett will work to protect our environment as we develop the natural gas fields in Pennsylvania in an environmentally sound manner by strengthening the existing regulations for drilling and enacting new ones that will protect the Commonwealth’s land and water. Pennsylvania is blessed with abundant natural resources to be enjoyed by our residents, visitors and sportsmen and women. As Governor, Tom Corbett will do everything he can to protect them. (See Tom Corbett’s Energy & Environmental policies for additional information)
-- Expand public fishing opportunities. As Governor, Tom Corbett will support the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in its efforts to expand public fishing opportunities and access – especially among our state’s youth.
-- Support the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has an important mission to protect and conserve aquatic resources throughout the commonwealth and provide for fishing and boating opportunities. As Governor, Tom Corbett will support and work with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in its efforts to support Pennsylvania anglers.
            Ensure Conservationism In PA
            Pennsylvania’s hunters, anglers and other outdoor recreationists have worked diligently to conserve and protect the commonwealth’s natural resources, thereby enhancing the outdoor experience for everyone. 
            As Governor, Tom Corbett will be a partner and advocate in conservationism and will work with sportsmen and women to ensure that future generations can enjoy Pennsylvania’s natural resources.
-- Support Advisory Council for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation. As Governor, Tom Corbett will support and maintain the Advisory Council for Hunting, Fishing and Conservation and the Governor’s Sportsman Advisor. This advisor serves an important role in supporting sportsmen and women throughout the commonwealth by fostering communication between the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the sportsmen’s community and environmental advocacy groups. This cooperative approach will help to meet and to solve challenges and issues facing natural resource and wildlife management.
-- Maintain Pennsylvania’s farmland preservation program. Pennsylvania has been a national leader in farmland preservation, and as Governor, Tom Corbett will support those efforts through more efficient employment of traditional farmland preservation funding streams.
-- Continue acid mine drainage abatement efforts. Tom Corbett will work to continue the acid mine drainage abatement programs and ensure that federal funds are spent wisely.
-- Maintain the Clean & Green program. Tom Corbett will maintain the Clean and Green program, which helps to protect wildlife habitat and promotes sound natural resource management.
-- Prioritize sound land use and smart growth. Continuing his commitment to conservation, Tom Corbett will promote sound land use practices and smart growth opportunities wherever possible.
            Outdoor Heritage
            Pennsylvania has a long outdoor heritage and is one of the premier hunting locations in the country. Through our waterways, forests, countryside and mountains, Pennsylvania provided our nearly one million hunters with great sport hunting opportunities. 
            As Governor, Tom Corbett will support Pennsylvania hunters and serve as an advocate to growing hunting in the future.
-- Serve as an advocate for hunters. Tom Corbett believes that hunters, shooters and other sportsmen and women play an important part in the state’s economy and conservation future. He will strengthen the role of the Governor’s Sportsmen’s Advisory Council and will work with the council on all issues that affect the hunting and outdoor community.
-- Promote greater outdoor participation among youth and adults. Tom Corbett recognizes that hunting license sales in Pennsylvania have decreased over the past eight years. As Governor, Tom Corbett will promote and work with the Pennsylvania Game Commission to expand hunting and outdoor opportunities. He also will encourage greater youth involvement in Pennsylvania’s outdoor activities through online education efforts coordinated by the commission and the Governor’s Office.
-- Support outdoor and hunting related education. Initiatives such as adult and youth hunter education, mentoring youth hunting and creative new approaches to hunter recruitment and retention help to expose varied audiences to Pennsylvania’s wildlife and hunting opportunities. These efforts also keep Pennsylvania a safe and enjoyable place to enjoy the great outdoors. 
            As Governor, Tom Corbett will encourage and support outdoor education and hunter recruitment efforts to strengthen and secure Pennsylvania’s hunting tradition.

            A full copy of Gov.-Elect Corbett's Sportsmen Heritage paper is available online.


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