Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Would Create Thousands Of Jobs

A new report from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation examines the broad economic benefits of clean water in Pennsylvania and across the watershed and found that investing in clean water technologies creates jobs, generates economic activity and saves money in the long run.

            For example, according to the Fish and Boat Commission, nearly 2 million people go fishing in Pennsylvania each year, contributing over $ 1.6 billion to the economy. Among the most popular species for anglers are smallmouth bass and coldwater species, such as brook trout. 
            Unfortunately due to the decline of the smallmouth bass population as a result of water quality problems, the PFBC recently passed a proposal that will mandate the catch-and-release of smallmouth bass in certain areas of the Susquehanna River. 
            In addition, degraded stream habitat has restricted brook trout to a mere fraction of its historical distribution.
            “Studies show that people equate things like clean water, clean air, and open spaces with a healthy community, and thus a robust economy,” said CBF‟s Pennsylvania Executive Director Matt Ehrhart.  "Threats to water quality, in particular, threaten our economy because people value clean water for drinking, recreation, tourism, and other uses.”
            Other nature-based recreation, like wildlife watching and ecotourism, also make major contributions to local economies. In Pennsylvania, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service report says that more than 3.6 million people engaged in wildlife-watching activities, and spent $1.4 billion on trip-related expenses and equipment in 2006.
            Clean waterways also increase property values. A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency study indicated that clean water can increase the value of single family homes up to 4,000 feet from the water's edge by up to 25 percent.
            Proactive efforts to lessen stormwater flows today reduce future public costs needed to maintain navigation channels, remediate pollution and hazard flooding, and repair infrastructure and property damage caused by excessive runoff. 
            Philadelphia estimates that over the course of installation, their green infrastructure will create more than $2 in benefits for every dollar invested, generating $500 million in economic benefits, $1.3 billion in social benefits, and $400 million in environmental benefits.
            A recent study by the University of Virginia found that implementation of agricultural practices such as livestock stream exclusion, buffers, and cover crops would generate significant economic impacts.
            Every $1 of state and/or federal funding invested in agricultural best management practices would generate $1.56 in economic activity in Virginia. Implementing agricultural practices in Virginia to the levels necessary to restore the Bay would create nearly 12,000 jobs of approximately one year’s duration.
            A recent analysis of the value of investing in water and sewer infrastructure concluded that these investments typically yield greater returns than most other types of public infrastructure.
            For example, $1 of water and sewer infra- structure investment increases private output (Gross Domestic Product) in the long-term by $6.35. Furthermore, adding a job in water and sewer creates 3.68 jobs to support that one.
            “We could save significantly by taking steps to protect our clean water resources. For every $1 that we spend on pollution reduction efforts, we save $27 in drinking water treatment costs. That‟s money our communities could be using to rebuild local economies,” Ehrhart said.
             A copy of the complete report is available online.


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