Opinion- Protecting Our Environment Should Concern Us All

by Sen. Richard Alloway II

Since taking office as State Senator two years ago, I have been faced with many tough issues. Clearly my philosophy has been to take a conservative approach through supporting cutting spending, sponsoring the Castle Doctrine, enacting tougher poaching laws and reducing government waste.
            With that said, I am also a hunter, fisherman and avid outdoor person.  I am fortunate to chair the Game and Fisheries Committee in the State Senate.  In that capacity, too often I have seen issues that arise that seek to protect our environment categorized as "liberal" or "Democratic" issues, which is unfortunate.
            Republicans, conservatives, can and do support protecting our environment, and they should.  If at the end of the day, we do not leave this world a better place for future generations, then shame on us.  Pennsylvania is home to more stream miles than any state in the nation except Alaska.  Our parks, state forest and game lands are exceptional and offer outdoor opportunities for people of all ages.  Hunting and fishing are just two of the many activities that can occur in these areas.  There is also abundant swimming, hiking, kayaking, boating, bird watching and a variety of other activities that can and do occur.
            It only makes sense to support and sustain these amenities that we have outdoors.  It makes sense from a quality of life standpoint.  It makes Pennsylvania an attractive place to work, live and visit, and fundamentally it is the right thing to do.
            Two of our greatest presidents, Ronald Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt, were both conservative and in tune with environmental concerns.  These "ideals" do not need to be mutually exclusive, nor should they be.  Republicans can be pro business and pro environment.
            I have been advocating for some time that we should impose a reasonable tax on the companies that are now profiting from the huge Marcellus shale resources that exist in Pennsylvania.  Further, these funds should go to support restoration of the areas being affected, as well as to our environmental agencies such as the Fish and Boat Commission and the Game Commission for further protection and enhancement of our natural resources.  I also support directing some of the funds to the Conservation Districts, land conservation programs and Pennsylvania's Clean and Green fund.  I remain optimistic that we can develop legislation in the near future that will accomplish these goals.
            In conclusion, our environment should not be strictly a Democrat, Republican, liberal or conservative issue.  It is everyone's issue.  Little of what we do will matter if we can't live in a world where our water is clean and our air is free from pollutants that harm us.  It is not only possible to be conservative, pro business and concerned for our environment, it is the right thing to do. 

Sen. Alloway represents Adams, Franklin and York counties and can be contacted through his website.


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