Scrapbook Photo 12/02/24 - 90 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Pennsylvania To Mark 1st Year Without Job-Related Deaths (Knock On Wood)

Pennsylvania has not had a mining job-related death since June 2009, marking the first entire year the Commonwealth has not had any deaths in the coal and non-coal minerals industry.

           Since 1870, Pennsylvania has recorded over 51,483 deaths from mining accidents-- 31,113 in anthracite mines and 20,370 deaths in bituminous mines.
            The Tribune Review quoted DEP Director of Deep Mine Safety Joe Sbaffoni as saying, "This job is never done.  The whole goal is to have miners go home after work.  There is no reason in this day and age why accidents should occur.  Sometimes the answer is not more legislation.  Sometimes it's to follow the regulations on the books."
                                No Deaths So Far In PA Mines In 2010
                                Back To Business In Somerset After Rescue In Chile



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