Learn About Protecting The Environment, Agriculture At Farm Show January 8 to 15
The annual Farm Show in Harrisburg January 8 to 15 will feature great food, agricultural displays and this year information about the role agriculture plays in Pennsylvania's growth and how visitors and better protect the environment. Young visitors to the 2011 Pennsylvania Farm Show can become "Farm Show Detectives" exploring the agriculture industry by investigating where milk comes from, learning about food safety or discovering the important role farmland preservation plays in our food production, Agriculture Secretary Russell C. Redding said this week.
"It is important that our youth understand where their food comes from and how agriculture plays a role in Pennsylvania's growth," said Secretary Redding. "As 'Farm Show Detectives,' children can learn about where and how their food is made through fun and interactive learning stations staffed by industry experts."
Secretary Redding said the stations will feature topics such as alpacas, apples, beef and veal, bees, the butter sculpture, dairy, dogs, edible nuts, family living center, farm equipment, farmland preservation, food safety, goats, horses, mushrooms, pigs, poultry, rabbits, sheep, the WoodMobile, vegetables and veterinary medicine. The stations will be staffed from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day and are marked with a lamppost and sign.
Environmental Education
Learn about a variety of environmental topics such as water, waste management, recycling, and radon protection at the 95th Pennsylvania Farm Show. DEP's Environmental Education and Information Center will have its "Green Trailer" exhibit on display featuring information and hands-on activities.
The Pennsylvania Farm Show is the largest indoor agricultural event in the nation, with 24 acres under one roof that feature nearly 6,000 animals, 10,000 competitive exhibits and 290 commercial exhibitors. Admission is free and parking is $10. |
1/3/2011 |
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