Rep. Everett Appointed To Chesapeake Bay Commission

Rep. Garth Everett (R-Lycoming) announced this week he has been appointed as a member of the Chesapeake Bay Commission

            As a tri-state legislative assembly representing Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania, the commission's leadership covers a full spectrum of bay issues: from managing living resources and conserving land, to protecting water quality. 
            "I am honored to serve with this outstanding panel of lawmakers, cabinet officials and citizens to help sustain one of the great natural gifts we have as a nation in the Chesapeake Bay," said Rep. Everett. "This bipartisan commission has done great work over the years in helping to bring solutions to pollution and other environmental problems that affect the region. I look forward to being a part of this active group that will help all lawmakers in the three states handle bay issues better."
            "Most of the members of the commission are from the area near or around the bay and I hope to be able to add the perspective of how the bay cleanup initiatives impact those of us in the watershed far upstream from the bay," said Rep. Everett. "While we all agree that cleaning up the bay is important, I want to ensure that the cleanup is not done on the backs of farmers and those of us who live in the rural part of the watershed."
            By combining its unique access to both the legislative and executive branches of each bay state with well-honed skills in research, policy-development and consensus building, the commission has achieved consistently strong and effective results in pursuit of bay restoration goals.
            Twenty-one members from three states define the Commission's identity and its workload. Fifteen are legislators, five each from Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania, who are responsible for identifying the needs of the bay, hearing the wishes of their constituents and determining actions that make better stewards of all of us. 
            Completing their ranks are the governors of each state, represented by cabinet members who are directly responsible for managing their states' natural resources, as well as three citizen representatives who bring with them a unique perspective and expertise.
            The commission has been in existence since 1980, with Pennsylvania being invited to join in 1985. The group is tasked with assisting the member state legislatures in evaluating and responding to bay concerns, promotes intergovernmental cooperation and recommend improvements in resource management, among others.
            Members and staff have been instrumental in supporting federal environmental initiatives such as the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Act, the Clean Water Act, the revised Farm Bill, the Clean Vessel Act and the Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Act. 
            The group has worked hard in developing initiatives related to fisheries management, reduction of toxins, land use, agricultural nutrient management and natural resource protection.


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