Penn State: Stormwater Management And the Role Of Trees, Forests Webinar Jan. 26
On January 26 the Penn State Cooperative Extension and School of Forest Resources will host a webinar on Stormwater Management and the Role of Trees and Forests starting at 1:00 p.m. as part of its continuing Water Resources Extension series.
As our landscapes change, it has an impact on the health of our streams and rivers. What to do on the land, or what we cover it with, affects the quantity (volume) and quality (pollutant levels) of the rainfall that enters our waterways - what many call stormwater.
When it rains in urban and suburban areas, rainwater washes pollutants such as nutrients, chemicals and heavy metals off paved surfaces, lawns or bare soils into storm drains that lead to streams and rivers.
Because of the increased amount of paved or impervious surfaces, larger quantities of rainwater reach the streams quickly causing flash flooding, streambank scouring and sedimentation of stream beds.
Stormwater from urban and suburban areas has become a major pollutant in Pennsylvania impairing 4,170 miles of streams and accounting for one third of the problem facing our waterways.
Learn how trees and forests are one of the most cost effective ways to reduce stormwater runoff and the pollution associated with it. Explore how trees intercept, infiltrate, evapotranspire and remove pollutants and can be incorporated into new "green" stormwater BMPs.
Upcoming Webinars
The next webinars in this series will be:
-- February 23 – Household Water Treatment Systems; and
-- March 30 - Management of Nuisance Aquatic Plants and Algae in Ponds and Lakes.
The live webinar will occur from noon to 1 PM and is accessible online.
To participate in the live webinar you will need to have registered and received a "Friend of Penn State" ID and password. To learn more about registration and additional details about the webinar series online.
Taped versions of each webinar in the series are available to anyone. A link to the presentation video along with a PDF copy of the presentation slides, links to relevant publications, and a copy of the question/answer session are posted online.
1/24/2011 |
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