Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
February Issue Of Environmental Ed Connections Newsletter From PCEE

The February EE Connections newsletter is now available from the PA Center for Environmental Education.  Here are just some of topics covered in this month's newsletter--

Thanks To Patrick Henderson: Gov. Corbett recently named Patrick Henderson his key Energy Executive in charge of pulling together a coherent energy policy for Pennsylvania.  PCEE Director Kathleen Paul recounts her experiences working with Henderson on environmental education issues.

General News: Covered Devices Recycling Act to Limit 'E-Waste,' Western PA Environmental Award Nominations Open, National Environmental Education Week April 10-16

K-12 News: 'Wind for Schools' Project Application Due March 1, Feb. 18 Deadline for Creative Energy Challenge, NEEF Offers Cash for Winners of Green School Contest, Lehigh Environmental Initiative Releases ELI Curricula

Higher Education News: Elizabethtown College Uses New System to Recycle Food Waste, Chatham University Announces Plans for New Campus, National Wildlife Federation Seeks Young Leader Delegates

Professional Development for Educators: Registration Open for ALCOSAN's Spring Educator Workshop, Hopewell Big Woods Workshop Slated for May 2, 'Tiny Hands in Nature' Workshop Offered at Winnie Palmer

Other Professional Development: Land Ethics Symposium Comes to Langhorne, PALTA Sponsors Land Conservation Conference, Farm to Table Conference Scheduled for March 25-26

Grants and Awards: PAW Sponsors 'Stream of Learning' Student Scholarships, PEST Management Funding Available through USDA, Mini-Grants Available for 'Celebrate Urban Birds' Events, Project Funding for Rural School Classrooms Available

            Contributions welcome! The Center receives news and information from a variety of sources across Pennsylvania and beyond. We appreciate all of the organizations, agencies and individuals who provide EE services and share their relevant information. 
            If you would like to contribute to future issues of EE Connections, please submit your article before the 15th of the month. Articles should be of statewide interest and are subject to space availability. 
            Share EE Connections! If you know of others who would appreciate receiving EE Connections, please complete the online form or call 724-738-9020. To see all of the resources available on the PCEE website.


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