Scrapbook Photo 11/25/24 - 156 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced--

Session Schedule

Here is the Senate and House schedule--

February 28
March 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 (Budget Hearings Weeks of 14th, 21th & 28th)
April 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 26, 27
May 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 23, 24
June 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30

February 28
March 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9, (Budget Hearings Weeks of 14th, 21th & 28th)
April 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, (25 NV), 26, and 27
May 2, 3, 4, 9. 10, 11, 23, 24, and 25
June 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, and 30

Bill Calendars

House (February 28):  House Bill 144 (Pickett-R-Bradford) further providing for corrective language regarding when roll-back taxes are due when an oil or gas well is drilled on enrolled land.  <>  Click Here for full House Bill Calendar.

Senate (February 28):  Senate Bill 151 (Pileggi-R-Delaware) providing for the sharing of Air Pollution Control Act fines and penalties;  Senate Bill 303 (MJ White-R-Venango) further providing for reports under the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act.  <> Click Here for full Senate Bill Calendar.


House: the Consumer Affairs Committee holds a hearing on House Bill 344 (Baker-R-Tioga) further providing for gas pipeline safety; the House Democratic Policy Committee holds a hearing on House Bill 33 (Vitali-D-Delaware) imposing a severance tax on Marcellus Shale natural gas production in Upper Merion Township.  <>  Click Here for full House Committee Schedule.

Senate:  <>  Click Here for full Senate Committee Schedule.

Bills Introduced

The following bills of interest were introduced this week--


Public-Private Transportation Partnerships: House Bill 3 (Geist-R-Blair) providing for public-private transportation partnerships.  (Note: House Transportation Committee set to consider the bill March 3.)

Eastern Box Turtle: House Bill 634 (Curry-D-Montgomery) designing the Eastern Box Turtle as the official reptile of the Commonwealth.

Surface Damages From Drilling: House Bill 690 (Hanna-D-Centre) establishing provisions for securing compensation for surface property owner in the event of damage from oil or gas drilling.

Landslide Insurance/Assistance Program: House Bill 698 (DeLuca-D-Allegheny) establishing a Landslide Insurance and Assistance Program.

Open Space Protection: House Bill 699 (Hickernell-R-Lancaster) further providing for open space uses and protection.

Hybrid Vehicle Inspection Exemption: House Bill 703 (Boyd-R-Lancaster) exempting hybrid vehicles from vehicle emissions inspection

Mechanics Lien: House Bill 710 (Godshall-R-Montgomery) amending the Mechanics Lien Law further providing for right to lien and amount.

Stormwater Appeals: House Bill 751 (Gabler-R-Clearfield) providing for municipal appeals of stormwater management plan actions taken by DEP.

Sewage Facilities Act Study: House Resolution 71 (Gillespie-R-York) directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to review the sewage facilities management program.


Waste Permit Violations: Senate Bill 351 (Rafferty-R-Montgomery) and  Senate Bill 532 (Rafferty) increasing penalties for certain waste permit violations.

Plastic Bag Tax: Senate Bill 590 (Leach-D-Montgomery) imposing a tax of 2 cents per plastic bag supplied by a retail establishment to customers.

Replacement Water: Senate Bill 596 (Costa-D-Allegheny) establishing the Emergency Drinking Water Support Fund for water sources affected by drilling.

Landslide Insurance: Senate Bill 597 (Costa-D-Allegheny) establishing a Landslide Insurance and Assistance Program.


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