Scrapbook Photo 01/06/25 - 116 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Senate Passes Bill On Spacing Gas Wells And Coal Seams

Senate Bill 265 (MJ White-R-Venango), amending the Coal and Gas Resource Coordination Act to further provide for drilling through coal reserves was reported from the Senate Appropriations Committee and passed by the Senate.

            "The purpose of this measure is to provide organized development between natural gas wells and workable coal seams," said Sen. Mary Jo White. "Particularly with the increase in natural gas development, Pennsylvania needs clear standards in place for the safe, ordered extraction of these valuable energy sources."
            Senate Bill 265 amends the Coal and Gas Resource Coordination Act to create adequate and safe spacing between gas well clusters and workable coal seams. No permit for a gas well covered by the act would be issued unless the well cluster is located at least 2,000 feet from the nearest well cluster, unless the permit applicant and the owner of the workable coal seam consent in writing.
            Under the bill, absent an agreement, either the coal operator or the well applicant may activate a dispute resolution process to resolve the spacing issue.
            The bill also requires the department to commission an independent study, funded by the industry, update the Joint Coal and Gas Committee Gas Well Pillar Study. The study would assess appropriate pillar size around an active/inactive well or well cluster to protect the workable coal seam and ensure the safety of coal miners, as well as any additional criteria or standards that should be considered by the department.
            It now goes to the House for consideration.


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