Rep. White To Hold Meeting March 15 On Proposed Marcellus Municipal Co-op Plan
Rep. Jesse White (D-Washington) is hosting a public meeting March 15 with local municipal officials to solicit feedback on his plan to create a Marcellus Municipal Co-op program to better deal with natural gas issues within the region. The meeting will be held starting at 6:30 at the Canon-McMillan High School. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the public is invited to attend and offer their comments.
"Like any industry, danger is always a factor for those involved with Marcellus Shale drilling; however, we must continue doing what we can to ensure the safety and well-being of our local communities," Rep. White said. "When the public hears about accidents like the one at Avella last week, they have questions and concerns about their safety and if regulations are being adhered to. State and local officials should work together with drillers to mitigate the public's concerns with drilling.
"I want to be clear that the MMC program is neither pro-drilling nor anti-drilling," White emphasized. "This is about finding more efficient and effective ways to carry out our core responsibilities as elected officials, not promoting any sort of political or social agenda."
Rep. White said last week, a storage tank caught fire at a Chesapeake Appalachia natural gas well site in Avella, injuring three workers and alarming neighboring residents. He added that another minor incident occurred this week involving a small fire at a nearby compressor site.
"I'm asking my local municipalities who have gas drilling within their borders to consider forming a Marcellus Municipal Co-op program to help provide better local oversight of natural gas drilling sites and open the lines of communication between them," Rep. White said. "Incidents within the past week at local gas sites have proven that while the industry has its place in our region, we have to be absolutely sure that our communities remain safe."
Under his co-op plan, participating municipalities could work together to hire a natural gas enforcement officer, who would visit drilling and natural gas compression sites within that municipality, enforce the local ordinances on a regular basis and respond to concerns in a timely manner. In addition, the MMC would provide a forum for municipalities to communicate their needs and remain educated in dealing with gas-related issues.
"There can be no denying that we are at the epicenter of Marcellus Shale drilling, and whether we like it or not, the entire nation is now focused on how our corner of Pennsylvania is dealing with this rapidly expanding industry," Rep. White said. "I firmly believe each community should chart its own path on how to handle drilling inside its borders; however, I believe enabling municipalities to better communicate and pool resources only makes sense."
3/7/2011 |
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