PennDOT Invites Volunteers To Join Spring Cleanup Effort

PennDOT is encouraging Pennsylvanians to help beautify the state through the Great American Cleanup of PA, which runs through May 31, acting PennDOT Secretary Barry J. Schoch, P.E., said.

            "Pennsylvania is very fortunate to have thousands of volunteers who turn out every year to clean up our communities and roadsides," Acting Secretary Schoch said. "These dedicated individuals help keep Pennsylvania beautiful and save taxpayers' money with their efforts to clean up after careless people who litter."
            A listing of cleanup events, resources for organizing a cleanup, and other information about the effort is available online. Groups interested in adopting a section of highway are encouraged to contact their local PennDOT county maintenance office and ask for the Adopt-A-Highway coordinator.
            More than 186,000 volunteers cleaned 19,373 miles of roads, trails and shorelines in Pennsylvania during last year's Great American Cleanup event, collecting 12 million pounds of trash. Of the cleanup's totals, PennDOT's Adopt-A-Highway program volunteers accounted for a record 12,278 miles cleaned with their efforts. These volunteers collected 3.7 million pounds of litter.
            The 7,128 groups in the Adopt-A-Highway program, with their 130,730 volunteers, have two-year commitments and have adopted 16,475 roadway miles. PennDOT requires that Adopt-A-Highway volunteers complete four cleanups per year, and the groups are encouraged to join in the Great American Cleanup of PA. Emphasis is placed on yearly Pick It Up PA days, which will run from April 16-30 this year.
            PennDOT provides gloves and safety vests for Adopt-A-Highway and Great American Cleanup of PA groups.  Also visit the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful website for more information on preventing litter, cleaning it up and keeping areas clean.


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