House Returns, Anniversary Remembered, Passing of a Friend
Thousands of snow geese, tundra swans and other visitors stopped over at Middle Creek. Download a special photo feature at the bottom of this webpage.

The House returns to voting session next week and tentatively plans to discuss bills related to conservation easements, funding security upgrades to infrastructure, local government help to watershed associations and other odds and ends.

Discussions continue behind the scenes on Growing Greener proposals, but the Senate is not due back to voting session until April 4.

This Digest includes an updated list of pending environmental legislation for your reference as we head into a busy legislative season.

We also included background on a special anniversary - the accident at Three Mile Island- which not only made a major psychological impact on the people that experienced it, but it also had a lasting impact on how Pennsylvania and many others handle emergencies.

Lastly, we pay tribute to the passing of a friend—Fred Taylor—who was the long-time counsel to Republican Chairmen of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.

Session Schedule

The House will be in voting session March 29, 30, then not until April 11.

The next voting day for the Senate is April 4.

Contents – On the Hill

· Environmental Forum Features Presentation on Anti-Litter, Beautification

· Environmental Legislation Introduced in the House and Senate

Other News

· Celebrate Watershed Month “Protect Our Watersheds, Protect Our Future”

· March 21-25 National Flood Safety Awareness Week

· West Branch of the Susquehanna Named DCNR’s River of the Year

· Final TMDLs Available for 17 Streams in 12 Counties

· Citizens’ Toolkit to Prevent Illegal Dumping in Parks, Forests Now Available

· PA CleanWays Sponsors Teacher Workshops on Environment, Ecology in June

· Small Businesses Invited to Workshop on How to Get Technology Funds

· Grants for Wind Projects Available, Apply By March 31

· Biomass Energy Project Grants Available from USDA, Deadline May 6

· Small Business Pollution Prevention, Energy Saving Grants to Reopen July 1

· PA Offers $500 Rebates on Hybrid/Clean Fuel Vehicles

· PA Becomes EPA Green Power Partner

· PA Land Trust Announces Keynote Speaker for Land Conservation Conference

· Earth Day 2005 – Special Events Scheduled

· Free Backyard Composting Workshops, Composting Bins

· BP Announces Joint Development Program for Renewable Plastics

· Lancaster/EPA Turn Brownfield Site Into Roberto Clemente Park

· Workshops Set for Auto Recyclers Interested in Recycling Mercury Switches

· First Egg! And Not from the Easter Bunny!

· For the Birds—Bluebirds, Snow Geese

· Help Wanted – Recycling Markets Center Director

· DCNR Seeking Students for Environmental Career Camps

· Young Artists Invited to Submit Work About Chesapeake Bay’s Rivers

Taking Positive Action

· PNC Bank Takes Environment into Account

· Penn State/EPA Tout Benefits of Green Roofs


· Remembering the Accident at Three Mile Island – 26 Years Later

· 3 New Historical Markers Remember People, Places in PA Environmental History

In Memoriam

· Fred Taylor, former Counsel House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee

Calendar of Events – Check out all the new items!

Attachment: Middle Creek Photo Feature - PDF


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