Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
April Issue Of Environmental Ed Connections Newsletter From PCEE, Help Needed!

The April EE Connections newsletter is now available from the PA Center for Environmental Education.  Here are just some of topics covered in this month's newsletter--

PCEE Funding Eliminated: Help Needed To Restore Line Item

Kathleen Paul leaving PCEE: Five-Year Legacy

General News: Pennsylvania DCED Releases 2010 Land Use Report, Wildlife Conservation Officer Training Accepting Applications, April Brings Earth Day and Earth Week Events, President Obama Promotes Outdoors Initiative

K-12 News: Otter Creek Offers Programs, Schoolyard Habitat Development, Paid Internships for Pittsburgh High School Students, Call for Nominations: Barron Prize Honoring Young Leaders, EPA Releases 'Climate Change, Wildlife and Wildlands Toolkit'

Higher Education News: Saint Francis U. Provides Wind Evaluations for Landowners, Dickinson College Farm Earns Organic Certification, Northeast Pennsylvania Audubon Society Offers Scholarship, Students Gain 'Green Building Skills' Over Spring Break

Professional Development for Educators: Carlisle Hosts PA DCNR Macroinvertebrate Workshop, PRCST Sponsors Three Educator Workshops, Cash Prize for Leadership in Science Education

Other Professional Development: 'Greening the Urban Environment' Comes to Philadelphia, PennFuture to Sponsor Global Warming Conference, Chamber Sponsors Conference for Environmental Professionals

Grants and Awards: Community Conservation Partnership Grants Available, Up to $25,000 Available for Sustainable Forest Management, Dominion Foundation Sponsors Science Education Grants, Innovation Grants and Leadership Program Now Available

            Contributions welcome! The Center receives news and information from a variety of sources across Pennsylvania and beyond. We appreciate all of the organizations, agencies and individuals who provide EE services and share their relevant information. 
            If you would like to contribute to future issues of EE Connections, please submit your article before the 15th of the month. Articles should be of statewide interest and are subject to space availability. 
            Share EE Connections! If you know of others who would appreciate receiving EE Connections, please complete the online form or call 724-738-9020. To see all of the resources available on the PCEE website.


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