Earth Day: Learn, Act, Celebrate Earth Day With PPL

The PPL family of companies is committed to providing the energy we need responsibly while improving our communities and protecting the environment. To highlight some of the ways in which we support environmental initiatives, PPL has planned a month of activities focused on environmental issues and energy efficiency to celebrate Earth Day
            “PPL operates businesses and facilities responsibly while generating and delivering the energy that is essential to the economy and our quality of life,” said Joanne Raphael, PPL’s vice president of External Affairs. “Celebrating Earth Day gives us a chance to recognize the environmental efforts of our employees while also giving others the power to make a difference by hosting programs and activities at PPL facilities.”
            The company’s utilities in Pennsylvania and Kentucky have developed programs to help customers use energy wisely and raise awareness of energy efficiency among the public.
            In Pennsylvania, PPL Electric Utilities offers customers tips, tools and incentives to help them save energy through the E-power initiative. Customers can use the Energy Analyzer, a free online tool, to analyze the energy use of their home or small business – hour by hour, day by day. 
            Energy efficiency rebates, discounts on compact fluorescent lighting and appliance recycling incentives are just a few of the resources PPL Electric Utilities provides to help customers manage their electricity use.
            Louisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utilities offer a portfolio of energy efficiency programs designed to provide residential and commercial customers with the information and tools they need to become better energy managers of their home or business.
            Nearly one-third of all LG&E and KU customers have participated in at least one of the companies’ programs, which include demand conservation, energy audits, commercial rebates, high-efficiency lighting, air-conditioning testing and tuneup, Energy Star new homes, and energy education for children, to name a few. Importantly, customer participation in these programs through 2010 has resulted in a demand reduction of 181 megawatts.   
            In addition, PPL has invested billions of dollars in pollution controls at its power plants, increased power generation from sources that do not emit carbon dioxide, made energy efficiency improvements at company facilities, and hosted free programs at its environmental preserves to raise awareness about the world around us.
            PPL’s various facilities have activities planned throughout the month of April to help the public learn about and celebrate Earth Day. 
            For more information or to participate in these events, visit PPL's Earth Day webpage.


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