Sen. Scarnati Supports Conservation Districts In Marcellus Shale Impact Fee Proposal
The PA Association of Conservation Districts this week applauded Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati (R-Jefferson) for his support of conservation districts by dedicating a portion of his proposed impact fee legislation to help fund them. Sen. Scarnati recently reported his intent to introduce legislation creating an impact fee for Marcellus shale activities at a Tioga County Conservation District legislative meeting.
“Conservation district activities and assistance are vital to the local communities in the counties I represent and all other areas of the Commonwealth,” Sen. Scarnati concluded. “My proposal to fund conservation districts through a portion of an enacted impact fee will serve Pennsylvania citizens well.”
“We need to support conservation districts as they strive to protect and preserve our natural resources,” Sen. Scarnati added .
Conservation districts help people and communities by offering technical assistance and educational guidance on the wise use of natural resources. Districts work with private individuals and organizations as well as public agencies to implement practices intended to protect soil, water and air.
“Sen. Scarnati understands the importance of the local conservation districts in 66 Pennsylvania counties," said Robert Maiden, PACD Executive Director. "His support of funding for these important organizations in his impact fee proposal will help ensure our Commonwealth’s natural resources for generations to come.”
4/18/2011 |
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