Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Video Blog - New Reclaiming Devil's Pool Video From Friends Of The Wissahickon

The Friends of the Wissahickon have released a short documentary “Reclaiming Devil’s Pool,” produced by FOW member Jason Fifield of Slife Productions, documents FOW’s work at Devil’s Pool, part of the Sustainable Trails Initiative, a multi-stage commitment by FOW to help make the 50 miles of natural surface in the Wissahickon Valley Park an environmentally and socially sustainable system that works for all park users. 

            The film does an excellent job of explaining the work of STI with an emphasis on the Devil’s Pool Reclamation Project completed in 2010 and the collaborative nature of this and all STI projects. In addition, the film highlights the role of volunteers, in particular FOW’s Trail Ambassadors. 
            Says Mark Focht, Executive Director of Fairmount Park, “It’s not just about trail usage. It’s about the environmental sustainability of the Wissahickon Watershed, which is a unique watershed in Philadelphia and the whole region.”
             Click Here to watch video.


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