Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Foundation For PA Watersheds Awards Nearly $184,000 In Grants

The Foundation for PA Watersheds this week approved grants totaling $183,935 for 16 projects which leveraged $2,594,380 in local, state and federal funds.
            Letters of Intent for the fall grant round are due August 26.
            The projects include:
-- Blackleggs Creek Watershed Association—Whiskey Run AMD project ($15,000): This project will assist in constructing an AMD project at the Whiskey Run #9 discharge. The project will assist in restoring seven AMD-impacted stream miles.
-- Botanic Garden of Pittsburgh—The Pittsburgh Botanic Garden ($10,000): This project will assist with AMD abatement at the developing garden. This project is a creative restoration of a 452 acre brownfields project.
-- Buffalo Creek Watershed Alliance—Ard’s Farm Market Wetland ($10,000): This project will be used to increase the understanding of wetland benefits relating to nutrient reduction. Buffalo Creek is significantly impacted by nonpoint source pollution originating from agriculture and acid deposition.
-- Citizens Coal Council—SMCRA Clinic ($15,000): This project intends to provide a legal foundation for understanding the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act and will provide participants with information on provisions under SMCRA that can assist organizations in environmental protection and restoration.
-- Clearfield Creek Watershed Association—Swank AMD project ($3,800): This project is an enhancement to a mine reclamation project that was completed several years ago. Funds will specifically be used to install a limestone channel to treat a small discharge originated from the reclamation site.
-- Clearfield County Conservation District—Deer Creek Powerline AMD project ($10,000): Foundation funds will be used to leverage design dollars for the Deer Creek Powerline discharge. Once completed, the AMD system will restore three AMD-impacted stream miles.
-- Downtown West Newton, Inc.—Simeral Square ($15,000): This project supports riparian restoration along a restored brownfield site. The overall project intent is to establish a stabilized bank, a riparian buffer, and an enhancement of water quality within the Lower Youghiogheny Watershed.
-- Juniata Clean Water Partnership—Pinecroft Wetland project ($7,500): Project funds will assist with the preservation of a 35 acre Exceptional Value (EV) wetland. Additionally, the project will preserve a 15 acre riparian buffer along Sandy Run—a Coldwater Fishery resource of the Little Juniata.
-- Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper—Conowingo Dam project ($10,000): This project will assist with efforts to remove sediments trapped behind the Conowingo Dam. This is of significance as the sediments, if released by a catastrophic storm event, could negatively impact the Chesapeake Bay. The project also supports Resource Recovery as the sediments could be used to produce ‘light-weight aggregate’. 
-- Lycoming College—Unassessed Waters project ($8,000): Project funds will be used to provide funding for student participation in the Fish and Boat Commission’s Unassessed Waters Program. To date the Fish and Boat Commission has surveyed 22,000 stream miles. This project is aimed at increasing surveyed streams, and upgrading streams for enhanced protection.
-- PA Association of Conservation Districts—Watershed Specialist Training ($20,000): Project funds will be used to provide education on available programming via USDA, the Farm Bill, and other ‘under utilized’ funds that can assist with environmental restoration efforts throughout Pennsylvania. Additionally, the trainings will enhance basic watershed specialist training to include courses on agronomy, engineering practices, preservation and planning, and stream water ecology.
-- Penn State Center for Watershed Stewardship—Spruce and Halfmoon Creek project ($10,000): This project supports continuing efforts that address agricultural runoff and sedimentation within the watersheds. The project incorporates natural stream channel design principles, and riparian plantings to reduce sediment and nutrient loadings throughout the watersheds.
-- Sewickley Creek Watershed Association—QHUP project ($15,000): This project provides funding to complete a Qualified Hydrologic Unit Plan (QHUP), which will allow the group to access Abandoned Mine Land Fund (AMLF) dollars. QHUPs are mandated to receive AMLF project dollars.
-- Kiski-Conemaugh Stream Team ($9,600): This project supports on-going water quality monitoring efforts that lead to AMD treatment system development and funding procurement.
-- Susquehanna University—Unassessed Waters project ($10,000): Project funds will be used to provide funding for student participation in the Fish and Boat Commission’s Unassessed Waters Program. To date Fish and Boat Commission has surveyed 22,000 stream miles. This project is aimed at increasing surveyed streams, and upgrading streams for enhanced protection.
-- Western PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation—Emergency Response Fund ($15,000): This grant leverages Growing Greener funds that are dedicated to fixing AMD treatment system emergencies that may result from storm damage, vandalism, or other catastrophic event.
            The Foundation board of directors also re-elected Larry Selzer, Scott Izzo, and Neil Korostoff to the Board for three-year terms. Officers for the 2011 calendar year are: Mike Kane, Chairperson; Scott Izzo, Treasurer and Development Chair; and Skip Wieder, Secretary. Officers are elected on an annual basis.
            For more information, visit the Foundation for PA Watersheds website.


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