Senate Confirms Agriculture Secretary, 6 More Corbett Cabinet Nominees
The Senate this week voted 50 to 0 to confirm seven more of Gov. Corbett's cabinet nominees, this time for Aging, Agriculture, Banking Corrections, Health, Revenue and the Adjutant General.
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee recommended the approval of Richard Allan as Secretary for Conservation and Natural Resources and and the Senate Judiciary Committee also reported out the nomination of Linda Kelly for Attorney General and the sending both nominations to the full Senate for action.
The Senate voted unanimously to approve these nominees:
-- George Greig as Secretary of Agriculture;
-- Daniel Meuser, Secretary of Revenue;
-- Brian Duke as Secretary of Aging;
-- Glenn Moyer as Secretary of Banking;
-- John Wetzel as Secretary of Corrections;
-- Dr. Eli Avila as Secretary of Health; and
-- Major General Wesley Craig as Adjutant General of Pennsylvania. Nominees previously approved include:
-- Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Education;
-- Michael Krancer, Secretary of Environmental Protection;
-- Michael Consedine, Insurance Commissioner; and
-- Carol Aichele, Secretary of the Commonwealth.
-- C. Alan Walker, Secretary of the Department of Community and Economic Development;
-- Barry Schoch as Secretary of Transportation;
-- Sheri Phillips as Secretary of General Services; and
-- Frank Noonan as State Police Commissioner.
Nominations reported out of Committee
-- Richard Allan as Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources
Nominations to come before a Committee--
-- Gary Alexander as Secretary of Public Welfare (scheduled for May 11); and
-- Julia Hearthway as secretary of Labor and Industry.
The only major nomination left is for the new Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs which comes into existence in May.
5/9/2011 |
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