Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate--


General Fund Budget: House Bill 1485 (Adolph-R-Delaware) FY 2011-12 General Fund Budget as proposed by Gov. Corbett was amended to add the changes proposed by House Republicans and reported from the House Appropriations Committee and Tabled.

Engineers/Geologists: House Bill 1054 (Mustio-R-Allegheny) amending the Engineer,  Surveyor and Geologists Registration Law further providing for continued professional competency requirements was amended and reported out of the House Professional Licensure Committee and Tabled.

Bicycles: House Bill 170 (Miller-R-York)  to improve safety on the roadways for Pennsylvania bicyclists was referred to the House Appropriations Committee.


Bluff Recession: Senate Bill 791 (Earll-R-Erie) Amends the Bluff Recession and Setback Act by further defining "bluff recession hazard area," "bluff toe" and "shoreline" was passed by the Senate and now goes to the House for consideration.

Air Penalty Sharing: Senate Bill 151 (Pileggi-R-Delaware) providing for sharing Air Pollution Control Act penalties with municipalities was reported from the Senate Appropriations Committee and is now on the Senate Calendar for action.


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