Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PA Chamber Guide To PA Environmental Laws And Regulations Available

The 2011-12 Guidebook on Pennsylvania Environmental Laws and Regulations is now available from the PA Camber of Business and Industry.
            Written by some of the most knowledgeable and recognized experts in the field, including former EPA and DEP inspectors and officials, the is a step-by-step comprehensive working resource designed to help easily determine which environmental regulations apply at your facility, and find and implement the compliance strategies that work best:
-- Covers residual and hazardous waste, air, water, SPCC Plans, underground and aboveground storage tanks, and surviving DEP and EPA inspections;
-- Acts as a roadmap to determine which environmental regulations apply to your company, and includes definitions;
-- Practical strategies and detailed compliance information designed to answer your questions on major environmental regulations;
-- Explanations of various possible approaches to solving compliance requirements, why some strategies may be unnecessary or inefficient under specific conditions, and where to find more information; and
-- How to resolve compliance disagreements when inspected.
            Over 230 pages, this daily reference guide for environmental managers shows how to get started, explains best practices to see if you're missing anything, points out items you've not incorporated or thought of, and suggests how to work with enforcement agencies to resolve compliance disagreements.
            Order a copy online.


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