Rep. Harper Hosts Town Meeting On Value Of Open Space, Growing Greener

Rep. Kate Harper (R-Montgomery) this week brought together advocates for Pennsylvania’s environment and open space initiatives for a town hall meeting at Penllyn Woods to discuss the future of funding for the state’s environmental programs.

           “We have made a great deal of progress in restoring and protecting the environment in our region and throughout Pennsylvania because of funding provided through the Growing Greener program over the last decade,” Rep. Harper said. “We cannot afford to let up on this effort. Our natural resources are simply too valuable.”
            Rep. Harper said funding available for Growing Greener initiatives, such as the one that helped to preserve Penllyn Woods, is dwindling. She has introduced legislation that would impose a severance tax on natural gas drilling in the Marcellus shale and would direct a portion of that revenue to the Growing Greener program.
            Presentations were made by:
-- Patty Ellis of the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission discussed a recently released report from the Green Space Alliance entitled: “Return on Environment: The Economic Value of Protected Open Space in Southeastern Pennsylvania.” 
-- Andrew Heath, executive director of the Renew Growing Greener Coalition, gave an overview of the Growing Greener program, its value and the state of the program today. 
-- Rep. Harper and park officials talked about the history of Penllyn Woods and how it was saved through the Growing Greener program.
                                Growing Greener Supporters Make The Case For More Funding


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