Kettle Creek Newsletter Praises Volunteers, Touts Projects, Tells What’s Next

The Kettle Creek Watershed Association in Clinton and Potter counties has a lot going on and provides a good example of using a newsletter to tell its members, partners and supporters the latest. You can tell a lot from the tone of the headlines—

· Volunteers Make A Difference Along the Kettle

· KCWA Board Member Saves Many Trout After Ivan’s Wrath

· Stream Habitat Improvement Projects Fare Well After the Hurricane

· Headgate Project Continues to Boast “Success”

· Twomile Run Surface Reclamation Project Almost Complete

· Robbins Hollow Passive Treatment Systems Nearly Completed

· Huling Branch Remediation Plan Now Available on Website

· Bench-scale Tests Planned as a Result of Middle Branch Autopsy

· TU’s Efforts to Cleanup Abandoned Mine Drainage Expanded into West Branch

The newsletter has black and white photos, well-written articles and even a “Kettle History Korner” (their spelling not ours!). Very informative and practical. You don’t need a four-color publication with an overly glossy look to get your message out.

Visit the Kettle Creek Watershed Association website for more information and other examples of their newsletters. Send us an email at: and your postal address and we’ll send you a copy of the Kettle Creek newsletter. (The file is too big to put online.)


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