Passive Mine Drainage Treatment Operation/Maintenance Assistance Now Available

BioMost, Inc. and Stream Restoration Inc. are pleased to announce the availability of the Passive Treatment Operation and Maintenance Technical Assistance program supported by a partnership with the Department of Environmental Protection and the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds.
            This program, which is available free-of-charge to watershed groups, nonprofits, conservation districts, and state agencies, has been created to provide technical assistance related to the operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation/replacement (OM&R) of passive systems for abandoned coal mine drainage treatment.
            The goal is to empower watershed organizations by providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary to operate and maintain their passive systems and to assist when needed.   
Services that can be provided include, but are not limited to: 
-- Evaluate and troubleshoot maintenance and/or design issues related to treatment performance; 
-- Resolve minor maintenance issues such as unplugging pipes/treatment media, cleaning spillways and ditches, etc. and performing minor upgrades such as replacing valves, installing baffle curtains, etc.; 
-- Determine appropriate solutions to major maintenance/performance issues and assist watershed organizations with obtaining funding to address these major issues; 
-- Assist watershed organizations in establishing a trust fund for long-term OM&R;  
-- Evaluate passive systems for the potential of resource recovery to offset future OM&R costs; 
-- Provide educational opportunities to enable organizations to acquire the skills needed to conduct operation and maintenance on their passive treatment systems; and 
-- Provide educational opportunities for watershed groups and other organizations to learn how to use Datashed, a user-friendly, online, GIS-enabled database to assist with the management of water quality data and the operation and maintenance of passive systems. 
            In order to receive technical assistance, the organization must be a watershed group, nonprofit, conservation district, or state agency that maintains at least one passive treatment system.  Members, personnel, etc from the requesting organization are strongly encouraged to participate/assist and learn (as appropriate) during site visits, O&M activities, water monitoring, etc. 
            To learn more, please contact Cliff Denholm at Stream Restoration Incorporated by phone 724-776-0161 or send email to:


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