Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Lt. Governor Says Marcellus Shale Industry Creating Jobs In Wilkes-Barre

Even in areas of Pennsylvania where there is no Marcellus Shale natural gas production taking place, the industry is creating jobs, Lt. Governor Jim Cawley said Wednesday during a tour of Cleveland Brothers Equipment, a distributor of Caterpillar vehicles, parts and service.
           “Natural gas is already providing thousands of jobs for Pennsylvania. You can see it right here at Cleveland Brothers. They may not be drilling here, but jobs are being created here in Wilkes-Barre and across the state,” said Cawley.
            Cawley said the natural gas industry and related businesses generated more than 72,000 new hires in Pennsylvania over the last 18 months alone. These are family-sustaining jobs, paying on average nearly $70,000.
            Cleveland Brothers is a family-owned company that has been doing business in PA since 1937.  It currently employs more than 1,100 people statewide and is growing because of the need for heavy equipment in the natural gas industry.
            “To those who say Marcellus Shale is not benefiting Pennsylvania, I say come to Wilkes-Barre and see for yourself,” Cawley said. “Pennsylvanians are finding good jobs, and not just on the drilling rigs.”
            Cawley headed the Governor’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission, which in July unanimously adopted 96 recommendations for responsible natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania. The recommendations provide for: Stronger regulations for drilling; Tougher penalties for violators; Promoting PA’s energy independence; Protecting public safety and health; and Creating jobs for Pennsylvanians.
            NewsClips: Lt. Gov: Gas Industry Is Paying Its Share 
                                Lt. Gov. Calls For Improvements To Drilling Regulations 
                                Lt. Gov Tours Wilkes-Barre Region On Marcellus Shale 
                                One Month Later, Corbett Vague On Marcellus Recommendations


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